Swallowtail butterfly Dragonfly Hover fly

Indian culture and Tradition

dimarts, 23 de maig del 2017

Save Life

We communicate with you to let you know that elproper May 24, will our Institute Blood Donation Campaign. For this reason, we try to educate you on the importance of blood donations rene.

For this reason we ask your cooperation and that of your family, friends, acquaintances ... because 10 minutes of our lives, which often do not value, can be very important and valuable to the life of others.

In addition, the data provide scientific statistics in recent years is that the entire population of Catalonia only 4% blood woman. As a result of this lack of donations, aid that can be provided are lower than ever.

The basic requirements to be a donor of sand are:

  • Be an adult
  • Weighing 50 kg or more
  • Not having any blood disease
  • In the case of tattoos, which have been done in longer than four months before the donation

The medical staff of the organization Blood Bank will be in available in the lounge from 9:30 to 14:00 actess. and from 16:30 to 20:00.

Thank You so much.

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